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Short Analyses/ Overview of Leaked TTIP Chapters and Papers (en inglés)

Documento - mayo 2, 2016
Greenpeace is not in possession of the full text of EU and US TTIP proposals, but the leaked 13 chapters indicate human health and environmental protections will be seriously undermined if negotiations continue on the current path. Also leaked was a 14th paper, called “Tactical State of Play (March 2016)” which contains the EU views of the results of the 12th negotiation round and shows interesting differences to the “official” version (Public Report) of the paper.

EU Regulations, such as REACH, for chemicals, which incorporate the precautionary principle, and regulatory processes to remove the most hazardous chemicals from the market would be weakened and jeopardized by a risk assessment approach favoured by the US chemical industry where the aim is to improve management of hazardous substances without removing them from the market.


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