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Plantas incineradoras de basura en Austria

Documento - octubre 15, 2004
Esta investigación realiza una visión general sobre la incineración de basuras en Austra y los sitemas de gestión de basuras. El informe se hizo para responder a la utilización por parte de los promotores de la incineración del caso austriaco. En el informe se constata la alta producción de dioxinas en las incineradoras de Austria.

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Executive summary: According to the waste management principle "avoiding-recycling-disposing" the waste separation and recycling in Austria is quite consequent. Waste separation is obligatory in Austria. Currently Vienna´s recycling rate is about 38 %, and this amount could still be higher by optimizing the collecting system especially for organic waste and plastics. A recycling rate of 50 % may be realized. The Austrian incinerating plants have a high environmental standard as far as air and water emissions are concerned. Compared to other sources (industry, traffic,...) air and water emissions are relatively low. Ecologically critical is the disposal of solid wastes from incinerating plants. Especially the filter ash from air cleaning is containing large amounts of dioxins and furans and toxic heavy metals. In Vienna this ash is mixed up with cement and used as slag concrete in landfill construction. As the Austrian Waste Management Act only defines leaching criteria for disposal this practice is legal but critical due to future dioxin emissions out of the concrete.

Num. pages: 12